ViViPOS Support Services & User TrainingDiscovery is half the fun, Mastery is the rest
Even if you've been using your ViViPOS for a while there's probably things you could learn to help you get more out of your POS. You can always check out our Knowledge Base or to fast-track sign up for a training module. |
New Menu Programming ($220 incl GST)
You've tested the dishes, printed the menus, updated your website,
but you don't have time left to program your ViViPOS... Let us do it for you
ViViPOS Health Checkup ($330 incl GST)
This 'Support Service' will identify improvements that can be made to your ViViPOS and includes three steps:
Make Changes to your System Setup ($220 incl GST)
This 'Support Service' is for users who want specific changes made to thier ViViPOS, but need help making them